The Camperdown Compost Company ORGANICS RECYCLING

SPM coordinates a development licence and s.157 authorisation of discharge for an organic resource recovery facility in South West Victoria.

The Camperdown Compost Company has operated at Sandys Lane Bookaar since 2000 under an EPA operating licence.  The company turned to SPM in 2019 to compile a works approval application to allow Camperdown Compost to expand its facility and allow an increase in the volume of waste received on site.

The upgrade to the site allows Camperdown Compost to improve the waste processing on site by employing biological drying of the liquid PIW, which enhances the compost decomposition through forced aeration of the windrows.  The forced aeration removes significantly more water from the compost with the biological heat generating more microbes to pasteurise the feedstock, and generate high valued compost.

SPM was engaged to manage a range of external technical consultants and compile the works approval application, which was successfully approved by the EPA in 2020. The key to this success was SPM’s consultation with a range of stakeholders including EPA, Corangamite Shire Council, and community members to deliver key messages about the benefit of the company’s expansion. SPM continues to provide Camperdown Compost.  We pride ourselves on completing the following services for this highly valued client:

  • Project management and advisory services
  • Coordination of technical specialists and assessments, including
    • Noise assessment
    • Odour assessment
    • Fire risk assessment
    • Land and groundwater assessment
  • Compilation of:
    • Works approval application (development licence application)
    • Risk Management and Monitoring Plan (RMMP)
    • Commissioning plan
  • Regular communication with EPA to progress application and request for information (RFI)
  • Multiple section 157 authorisation of discharges or disposal (ADD) applications for commissioning