
SPM has been working with Lyka Pet Food, a fresh pet food manufacturer, to establish a new production facility in Dandenong South. The chosen site is located just 100 meters from residential areas, which is unusual for pet food manufacturing due to potential odour concerns. Addressing the Site’s Proximity to Residents

  • Odour Management: Pet food manufacturing can generate strong odours. SPM worked with Lyka and odour specialists to understand the odour sources and management controls. This involved:
    • Advanced Technology: Working closely with odour specialists and design engineers to design and implement a biofilter to effectively minimize emissions.
    • Facility Design: Optimizing the facility layout, airflow, and operation to contain and treat odours effectively.
    • Operational Procedures: Establishing strict operational procedures to minimize odour generation and ensure proper waste management.
  • Noise Mitigation: SPM worked closely with noise specialists to assess noise impacts from the facility and developed strategies to minimize disturbance to nearby residents, including choosing quieter equipment and optimizing operational schedules to minimize noise during sensitive hours.

Securing Environmental Approvals

  • EPA Development Licence: SPM guided Lyka through the process of obtaining an EPA Development Licence, a critical requirement for operating a pet food manufacturing facility. This involved:
    • Environmental Impact Assessment: Conducting a thorough assessment of potential environmental impacts, including air quality, noise, wastewater, and waste management.
    • Mitigation Measures: Developing and implementing effective mitigation measures to address any identified impacts.
    • Compliance Monitoring: Establishing procedures for ongoing monitoring and reporting to ensure compliance with licence conditions.

Community Engagement

  • Transparency and Communication: SPM coordinated local community consultation to inform the community of the proposed activity and build trust with the surrounding stakeholders. This involved developing clear and accessible information materials about the facility and its operations and establishing channels for ongoing communication with residents to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Technical Expertise

  • Facility Design and Construction: SPM’s expertise in industrial facility design and construction contributed to optimizing the facility’s layout, infrastructure, and operational efficiency.
  • Best Practices: SPM advised Lyka on implementing industry best practices for pet food manufacturing, ensuring product quality, safety, and environmental sustainability.

By addressing these key aspects, SPM helped Lyka successfully establish their new facility in Dandenong South, demonstrating their commitment to responsible development and community engagement.