September 2021 to current
SPM drives an EPA development licence and human health risk assessment in a sensitive environment.
Fulton Hogan is a leading asphalt supplier with 60 plants across Australia and New Zealand. In 2021, Fulton Hogan sought to consolidate three existing facilities in Warrnambool into a single asphalt batch plant. SPM was engaged to prepare an EPA Victoria Development Licence application, for the new facility.
Overcoming stakeholder concerns about air emissions proved to be a significant challenge for the proposed consolidation of Fulton Hogan’s Warrnambool operations at the new site. SPM collaborated closely with Fulton Hogan and technical experts to understand, in detail, environmental risks and provide assurance to the EPA and stakeholders that the project would meet all necessary environmental guidelines.
The development licence considered in detail the impacts of the asphalt batching on noise and air quality in the surrounding environment. It considered the existing and potential future sensitive uses in the vicinity of the site and was supported by a Human Health and Environment Risk Assessment that was scrutinised by EPA and third parties, including Department of Health.
A development licence was acquired from EPA in June 2023. We pride ourselves on completing the following services for this highly valued client:
Project management and advisory services
Coordination of technical specialists and assessments, including
Noise assessment
Air quality assessment, including particulates
Land and groundwater assessment
Compilation of:
Development licence application
Risk Management and Monitoring Plan (RMMP)
Commissioning plan
Regular communication with EPA to progress application and request for information (RFI)
SPM continues to support Fulton Hogan in its post development licence activities, including addressing the number of conditions in the development licence.